Fall Harvest

Fall Harvest

Thursday, December 30, 2010

September 2010

Getting the new little mower going
Fixing together is so much fun!
The finished office
Dustin turned 11!
Max and Danae's engagement party with the family in Greenville
Donia's surprise vistors
Starting the project of redoing the boys' room
Danielle learning to read German with her Daddy
Evelyn and Naomi :)
Carol and the cakes at the birthday party
The young people enjoying games together
Laura and Donia
Jenga---lots of fun
Donia's bithday date with her daddy. :)
Re-doing the boys' room for their fall birthdays.
Dustin worked on the lights.
Donovan loved wall-papering!
We attended a special film showing at the local university.
There was so much interest that we sat in the very front on the floor.
It was a very well-done presentation of Creation
That night it was raining heavily.
The finished product
The corner with the beds

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Separate Ways

Donia painted the mascots for camp that Danae had drawn. Danae flew over with Grandpa who was coming to the first Spain camp. A happy reunion at the airport. Bradley and Dalene left as leaders for that camp on the 9th of July along with Donia and Doreen who were campers at the same camp. The rest of us headed to Camp Impact to be there while Kevin and his family was gone taking part at camp. (Though we had others come at various times, too.) Clicking on the title will show an album from the first days.

July 2010: Time to say Good-bye

The end of June and beginning of August we were responsible to take T. Höppi's dog out. She has been getting increasingly weaker, and was not able to walk her dog anymore. In August the dog was placed in the home of a young lady who had walked the dog some years back. That was a real answer to prayer. We enjoyed a good evening with Derek before he left. Our farewell lunch with Devon in Magdeburg (Behind Devon and Bradley is the market place in downtown Magdeburg.) At the airport in Berlin. Going up to check in. Derek and Nika Grandpa "buddied" the boys over from Berlin to Greenville. What a blessing! We miss our boys a lot!!!

Our last day: Lochs and Glens

Beautiful scenery, wonderful fellowship, special memories. (For the pictures, click on the title :))

Day 2 we spent driving through the Scottish Highlands

Clicking on the title will open up the pictures for you.

July 6th, our 25th Anniversary, was our first full day in Scotland

The only picture taken of both of us by another couple touring St. Andrew's castle, as well. :) That is the North Sea behind us. (Click on the title to see all the pictures.)

July 5th through the 9th we got away for an anniversary trip

We had the special joy of taking a trip to Scotland for a few days. How thankful we are for the years the Lord has given us together ! (Click on the post title to get to the first set of pictures, if you like.) This little dog was the faithful little Bobby who sat by his master's grave for many years.

June in Greenville

Danae was busy with an internship in Greenville with the City of Greenville. (Above an example of a huge banner she designed for the zoo. She also had the special joy of visiting Max and his family on the week-ends. (No links on this post. :))

June 2010 in Germany

June was a very busy month for us. The four oldest were helping at Camp Impact for several weeks. Bradley had several meetings at Camp Impact, so we went along and enjoyed some work and fellowship times as well. As you can see by the title colors, we also cheered for Germany during the World Cup games through out the month. :) In the past months I have switched to uploading pictures to facebook and had debated about continuing the blog. I decided though, to try to keep up the blog, by linking the photoalbums through the title (just click on it) for each month. I hope this will be a satisfactory means to keeping up with our activities.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The first three weeks of May

I decided to upload some pictures from the past month to facbook again. If you would like a glimpse, please click on the title. :) The picture above shows my parents' arrival with Derek and Eldon this past Thursday in Berlin. We are so happy to have them for a visit again.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Three Birthdays in One: Danielle turns 4, Devon turns 18 and Bradley...well, he is one shy of 50!

We enjoyed having over 39 guests on Sunday to celebrate and especially to enjoy fellowship on a warm sunny spring day. Danielle and Joel in the sand box before dinner. Groups talking here and there. Annette, Christiane, and Dalene Eva and her youngest daughter (1). Their next little one is due in the next two weeks. Vicki and Hannah Enjoying the Camp Song book on various instruments A bright day for smiling! Lots and lots of delicious options at coffee and cake. My girls baked lots of things, and several of the ladies contributed as well. The grand piano, a perfect place to congregate for the gift opening :)