Here everyone was singing "Happy Birthday!"
Danielle, Micah, Evan and Danika
Last night family and friend gathered for supper and dessert. Lynette, Doreen's best friend, made her a beautiful tray of alphabet cookies spelling out a Happy Birthday message!
Doreen's birthday fell on Sunday (the same week-day she was born on) while we were still experiencing sickness. The party was postponed until Tuesday so all could come, but she got to enjoy her birthday date with daddy on Monday already. After a nice meal together, they walked through the antique store close to where they parked in Magdeburg.
Last night was Danielle's turn with "the bug", so when we got up at 4 a.m. to get Bradley ready and off to the train station (right here in our village), Danielle was awake and got to go along. It was drizzling and very cool out. The train was only 3 minutes late, and I was glad I remembered to get a picture of my handsome husband sporting his new glasses. I think he looks great! :) With trains there are no long good-byes, and he was soon whisked away for two days in Heidelberg. A little bit ago we got a note telling of his safe trip, a very long day of practice on the "Elijah" with variuos groups and soloists, and now his meeting with the men about the future campsite that is still a very real possibility. We are eager to see how the Lord directs in the many details involved in such a purchase.
Last Monday the bug bit our family...the flu bug. Dustin started it off, and I think the round is now complete. Every time we experience a little sickness I am reminded of how blessed we are with so much good health! Nonetheless, several of the kids suffered for two days with this intestinal virus! Unfortunately the Matthia family has now begun a similar "battle".
Danielle has been bouncing on the trampoline basically since she learned to walk, but landing on her bottom is brand new. :) When I showed up with the camera, she kept asking me, "Again, Mommy?!"
Our nephew, Edwin, turned 9 this past Monday. We enjoyed a nice celebration with his whole family, and Kings last night, on the very night that Germany played (and lost :( ) to Croatia---hence the very German cake and cup-cakes. :)
While we were shopping yesterday the kids that were with me (Donia, Doreen, Danika and Dustin) were allowed six tries to score. Donia and Dustin were both successful! The consolation prize was a sack of chips, Dustin scored thrice and got a little stuffed animal. :)
The kids loved preparing the branches for their tepees, and for two days had fun playing in them. Dustin was happy to pump up all the balls with our new pump.
Bradley took out two large branches of my golden maple tree. It is a beautiful tree with large, soft leaves. Danika was still in her last class, Reading with Miss Amber, during that time.
This past week found us out in the yard a couple of times. Bradley cut back trees and the grape vines. Danielle busied herself in the sandbox, burying her feet. :) Dustin and Donovan were watching bugs on the tree trunk.
After quite a few very hot days it was a blessing to have a heavy rain move in! The kids enjoyed being out in it for a little while! I couldn't resist getting a picture of our roses. There are many for us to enjoy this year.
This morning Dustin and Bradley got the fly catchers ready to hang. These sticky yellow sheets are supposed to catch the flies, so they will not be able to have their young anywhere near our cherries. :) We will see.
On Sunday afternoon we enjoyed having a British doctor couple and their darling 4-month old daughter out to our home for dinner and the afternoon. We have had several hot days and decided to create some shade on our deck and eat outside.
It is hard to believe that we only have three weeks left until "Miss Amber" leaves! Last week-end Lynette and Doreen got to enjoy an overnight! Their hours were filled with walks including the tower near our town, games, picnics on the floor, crafts, baking! Never a dull moment. Donovan said to me tonight that he couldn't wait for tomorrow---he and Danika get to be at Miss Ambers for the afternoon!