Fall Harvest

Fall Harvest

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spirit Days in Niedern

Mr. Rich planned spirit days for the school kids at home. The days started out with making spirit day posters, then decorating crazy hats, and on the last day, wearing their favorite colors. In the evening we were invited to Mr. Rich's apartment for pizza and games. The kids wore their hats Thursday, but I couldn't locate the camera. :( Friday was favorite color day and for supper pizza and games at Mr. Rich's apartment. Derek, Danielle and I were invited, too. The kids got to help with making the pizza. Setting up for supper Yummy-looking! Mr. Rich recently acquired a fish. The kids enjoyed watching him, feeding him, and helping to change the water. Each child got a straw, which they promptly tried out in the bowl of clean water meant for the fish. We played a fun card game after our yummy supper. Crazy Hat Day pictures, one day later! Danielle heard me tell the kids to be sure to bring their hats for pictures, and she ran to the basement to pick a hat out of the cupboard that she could bring.

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