Fall Harvest

Fall Harvest

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Pentecost Monday

In good German tradition all the "high" church holidays (Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost) have not only the main holiday, but also the next day off. For Easter and Pentecost there is an Easter Monday and Pentecost Monday. Bradley enjoyed a sweet visit from Danielle and Danika while he was studying out on our deck. We took the opportunity for our favorite walk between the fields to the east of our village late that afternoon. "There are lots of fun tricks I can do!" Father and son having soccer fun! Puddles and Rocks seem to go hand-in-hand! Or were puddles made to jump over? At the bridge overlooking our tiny little brook: The Schrote Getting their feet wet in the cold water Pretty as a picture Sharing her flowers with Daddy My Sweetheart His flowers from Danielle Another way to have "puddle fun"! A particularly "pretty" train passing by This is the day Donovan learned how to ride his bike! Good job, Dono!!! Some new home owner dumped all the dirt that was removed to pour the foundation right at the edge of our development. The kids happily climbed to the top. Enjoying a warm rock on the edge of a pretty new garden along the way. Riding backwards works, too, especially when you don't have to pedal!

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