Fall Harvest

Fall Harvest

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday at Camp Impact

Dustin and Donovan worked steadily before and after lunch helping Zina and her kids take off wall paper. Devon and others taking out the insulation above the top floor of Haus 2. Danika, Helene and Danielle playing school and other things with all the little kids. Bradley organized the ceiling rests in one room. Bradley on the clean-up crew: Clearing away the ceiling that was broken away. Aline, Dono and Dustin wearing their masks. All done for now. (The picture right above and the one right below are from Stephen K.) The demolition crew (Unfortunatey our viewer isn't functioning on our camera, so we didn't discover the smudge, which was on the last 150 pictures, until we downloaded them at home! :() All the workers of the week-end, with the exception Brüggemanns who left early to attend a class reunion.

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