Fall Harvest

Fall Harvest

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Spotlight on Greenville: Derek turns 19

Last week-end three birthday kids, Laura (Erik's girl), Max, and Derek celebrated their birthdays at my parents' home. The goodies were brought by all of our family there in Greenville. Thank you to all. Derek opening his gifts in front of the fireplace. The picture below was actually taken in the Greenville Airport before they left to come home on Christmas break. I just got it, and think it is beautiful. Derek and Danae returned to school on January 11th. Due to Dalene's intense back difficulties, she is staying out this semester. We (and she) are at peace with the Lord's will and are enjoying this unexpected time together, even as we pray for continued healing and strengthening of her back. She very kindly took over English classes for all the kids, and teaches mostly from a flat position. Though she still has to be careful and continues to be on pain medication and is taking therapy, she has been able to be up more without the intense pain.

1 comment:

Jennifer Arnold said...

We are praying for Dalene.