Fall Harvest

Fall Harvest

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Three Birthdays in One: Danielle turns 4, Devon turns 18 and Bradley...well, he is one shy of 50!

We enjoyed having over 39 guests on Sunday to celebrate and especially to enjoy fellowship on a warm sunny spring day. Danielle and Joel in the sand box before dinner. Groups talking here and there. Annette, Christiane, and Dalene Eva and her youngest daughter (1). Their next little one is due in the next two weeks. Vicki and Hannah Enjoying the Camp Song book on various instruments A bright day for smiling! Lots and lots of delicious options at coffee and cake. My girls baked lots of things, and several of the ladies contributed as well. The grand piano, a perfect place to congregate for the gift opening :)

1 comment:

Dorothee said...

Vielen Dank für die netten Berichte! Ich sehe regelmäßig nach, ob es ein neues Update gibt. Es ist schön, auf diese Weise ein wenig Anteil an eurer Familie zu haben!

Liebe Grüße aus Fulda,