Fall Harvest

Fall Harvest

Friday, May 18, 2007

A Trip to the Zoo in Magdeburg

After several days with almost no Internet access, I am able to get online again tonight. Yesterday was a big day for Danika as her best friend, Helene, turned 6. Helene's daddy, Kay, grows a special grass for the elephants at the zoo. As a result, the driver who picks up the grass each morning arranged for a special tour around the zoo yesterday. The children got to go inside several cages, feed some animals, including the elephants, and pet the penguins. It was a highlight for all of them. I had given Danika our camera, and she took several very nice pictures. Stephen and Vicki King were there with Brüggemanns, too. Micah was also celebrating a birthday, turning 2! Stephen kindly burned us a CD with his pictures as well, and we enjoyed hearing Danika "show and tell" about her exciting day after church last night.

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