Fall Harvest

Fall Harvest

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

Last night the kids were in our bedroom playing a new game. It was one in the morning, and I was so tired. I just lay down on the bed fully dressed and let them continue playing. Since we had unwrapped our gifts on Christmas Eve we were able to sleep in Christmas morning. When I awoke a little after 7 AM the kids were gone. So was Krischa. She was having her quiet time with the Lord. We had Aunt Hoeppi as our guest for dinner and the afternoon. By the way, what is the largest turkey you have ever seen? I saw one for sale at the store the other day. It was 37 pounds and cost about 130 dollars. I would have gotten it, but we didn't have a blue enamel roasting pan that size, let alone an oven it would fit into. (I jest.) Now we have two days (Dec. 25-26) on which the stores are closed and outside work is frowned upon. Tomorrow seven of the twelve of us leave for the annual ski camp.

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