Fall Harvest

Fall Harvest

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

A Special "Batch" of Pictures from Florida

Our friend from college, Rachael W., sent these pictures tonight with the permission to share them on the blog. That was so thoughtful! Thank you so much! Rachael, Ken and their family live in Florida, where Ken pastors a church which has supported us for years. The day after Bible conference Bradley and the three kids drove down through six hours of (at times very heavy) rain and then three hours of wind and sun to get to the W.'s home. Our family stayed with them until Monday morning. This picture was taken at Bradley's 25th class reunion last Friday night (at BJ). Ministering in the morning services and enjoying a church dinner. "Help yourself...it's all great!" Doreen and Devon enjoying the meal Donia and a new friend from the church A very persistant cat--:)--determined to get some attention. Doreen relaxing with the families Donia helping with the clipping of coupons On Monday the church very generously covered the costs for Devon to see the doctor. He was diagnosed with bronchitis, and we are thankful for the medicine he was prescribed. Every day has shown some improvement.

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